Welcome to the forum!
I would suggest you do a clean install of Inkscape. That means completely uninstalling it. That means, if you have any exe or msi packages, use Programs and Features to uninstall (all versions, if you have more than one). And after that, look in Program Files and/or Program Files (x86) and delete any empty folders and remnants of other files which might still be there. Don't leave any folders with the name "Inkscape" or "inkscape" behind. If there are any 7z versions, delete all of them. And also don't leave any empty folders or folders named inkscape.
Then restart the computer. Then download a fresh package, and either unpack or install (depending which package you get). I would suggest not using the one from the Windows store. If it's an exe or msi package, be sure to choose your correct desired language during installation.
Your screenshot looks like you might have had it set to use a right to left language (off the top of my head, I couldn't say which ones it might be, but I think there are a few or maybe several of those). Does that make sense to you? I mean, do you want to use one of those languages?
Let us know what happens.