
Author Topic: Discarding an arc of a circle featuring nodes at some intersection points  (Read 354 times)

April 02, 2019, 08:58:35 AM
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Hello dear members
Again a question, after several trials ...

I want to discard several arcs in a circle, delimitated by nodes situated at the intersection of straight lines (spikes) and the circle.
Compass rose 4.PNG
*Compass rose 4.PNG
(35.34 kB . 669x651)
(viewed 92 times)

In the picture above, I have a node (= handle, difference ?) at each intersection and I have selected two of them (see in blue). In between we have the arc at the top of the external circle, which has to be discarded. I tried to "Break (the circle) path at selected node", but I could not have the expected double little square symbol. Therefore, I could not "Delete segment between two non-endpoints nodes", subsequently.
Can anybody tell me how to discard the top arc, please ?
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April 02, 2019, 10:30:15 AM
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It's because the nodes you've selected are the end nodes of the short straight lines, rather than nodes on the circle.  If there aren't already nodes at those places on the circle, you can add them.  If you double-click on a path with the Node tool, you can add new nodes.

If precision is needed, this can be a little tricky.  So I would probably do it differently.  Rather than try to type all the steps, I'm going to make up an example, and make a video for you.  I'll be back shortly :)
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April 02, 2019, 10:49:57 AM
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Actually I thought of a better way!

As far as I can tell, without the SVG file, those 8 short paths are subpaths of a compound path.  Do Path menu > Break Apart, to make them all separate paths.

Select each of the 2 short paths which you need to sort of cut the circle with, one at a time, with Selection tool.  While you're holding Ctrl and Shift, grab a corner arrow, and scale them just until they completely cross the circle.  (You can't scale them together, because they might be slightly displaced.)  After they're both crossing the circle, select them both and do Object menu > Raise to Top (or this button on Selection tool control bar  :mtt: )

While they're still selected, do Path menu > Combine (makes them 2 subpaths now).

Select the circle and the 2 short paths, and do Path menu > Cut Path.  It might look like nothing happened, but in fact, the circle has been cut.

Now you should be able to select the arc and delete it.  (Note that the 2 short paths are sort of consumed in this operation, so if you need them later, be sure to Duplicate them before you start.)

As I said, this way makes it very precise.  If you don't need precision, you could just add the nodes to the circle path manually, and use Delete Segment Between 2 Non-End Point Nodes.  Note that you do not have to do Break Path at Selected Nodes first.
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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann                       

April 03, 2019, 09:34:04 AM
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Dear Brynn,
This procedure has succeeded : Compass rose 5.PNG
*Compass rose 5.PNG
(24.71 kB . 669x649)
(viewed 78 times)

How can I thank you ?
Kind regards
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 11:22:10 PM by Chavadam, Reason: Adding the resulting picture »
  • 0.92.3
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"Oh yes, just one more thing, please" (Columbo)  :duh:

April 04, 2019, 07:57:38 PM
Reply #4


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