MoiniWhat, aren't bananas a common export article in northern Germany? ;D
That's a valid question indeed. Skulls are a favorite drawing subject of mine. I've never been a smoker myself but years ago, in my more hip-hop-y days I often drew characters smoking joints, cigars and such. It's unhealthy but there's still something "cool" about it, graphic-wise. Nonetheless I often make funny/silly remarks about smoking in general. For a long time my favorite was "Rauchen macht klein und hässlich". A few years ago though, it was replaced by "Rauchen ist gesund und macht erwachsen", which I got from a friend's friend, who's a smoker. He just dropped this line in a very dry and serious way - it was just too funny. Instant classic
To sum it up, I guess you could say it's a mix: a thing I like(d) to draw and my anti-smoking attitude.
brynnIn a way, yes.
Btw. as you can see, I'm now able to log into the forum again. I was also trying to mail and let you know but guess what - now my mails don't get through to you. I'm getting some mailer daemon error O_o