Yes, there seems to be a bug with it.
Blurring, which you can set with the slider in the fill and stroke panel,
is achieved by a simple filter, consisting only of a "Gaussian Blur" filter primitive.
Moving the slider or typing in a percentage value adds a new filter definition into your file's defs section. The filtered object has the filter linked in its attributes. When rendering the object, thus the blurring will appear.
Filters affect the rendering of a certain area on screen. That rendering area is defined relative to the object's visual bounding box on which the filter is applied. Built in filters have their filtered area set to 120% relative to the unfiltered object.
If the visuals generated are larger than the bounding box, you will see the same phenomenon.
However blurring with the slider is different. It doesn't create a 1,2 times larger filtered area, as then it would get cut off way more often.
Besides, the custom generated blur filter's bounding box is intended to update with the filtering percentage.
Bug seems to occure when the blurring value is too small, the bounding box isn't updating with the same ratio it should.
But that doesn't mean your svg is buggy or that the cut off look is not the intended appearance code-wise. Browsers render those with the same cutoff amount as the filter's filtered area is "hard-wired" in your file.
It can be corrected manually, by increasing the filtered area.
That can be achieved by the filter editor's filter general settings tab, or by
grouping your objects with a larger transparent rectangle for example and applying the filter on the group.
So it's not a mandatory bug or a rendering issue as per se but more like there is a glitch in the intentional behave.