I included images of the original sample photo from the course, my freehand sketch of it and the final Inkscape image.
I want to work on my freehand drawing skills. I just tried to sketch the house. And, even though I could see that it didn't match the photo as I was working on it, I just kept going and finished it. If I were to do this drawing to make it more like the photo, I would tape a piece of paper down to a board, and then use a T-square, triangles and a ruler measuring from the original photo to reproduce it. But, I wanted to work on my drawing skills. After I had the first sketch, I thought the shapes and lines made it perfect for an Inkscape project for the final refined piece. I imported the sketch into Inkscape and used it as a guide because I wanted to be true to my drawing.
I kept the Inkscape work more graphic than realistic. I didn't do any shadows.
I wanted to add that I had to create patterns for the siding. First time I did that.