Honestly I wouldn't use word and inserting a print ready file into word, have no experience with that.
As far as I know word has textboxes and other frames which is a burden to get rid of for just a musical score between for example page 25 an 28.
Theoretically word can handle svg files without quality loss -pull it in as vectors- or import vectorgraphics in wmf format as cliparts, maybe emf format too. The wmf is not recommended for some reasons beyond me by the developers, labeling it as an outdated format.
Probably I'd make the necessary visual adds in inkscape for the notation and save those as pdf.
Then, would save the word file as pdf too.
After that, with
pdfsam basic would split it up and merge the pages back together with the additional pdf-s from inkscape.
On a side note I'm using musescore to write down much simpler sheet music -random choral works- and have yet to figure out how to add a custom styling to it for printing. Also how to render it to each beat having the exact same visual lengths so it can be animated at an even speed.