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What you're showing in the screenshot is called a Smooth Node. The handles of a smooth node can only move together. A smooth node is created with Pen/Bezier tool by click-drag.
You're asking for a Corner or Cusp Node. The handles of the corner node move independantly, one at a time. A smooth node is created by click only, with Pen/Bezier tool.
Some people can manage to create the kind of nodes that they need, and adjust the curve "on the fly" with Pen/Bezier tool. But for those who can't (or don't want to), can use the Node tool
. With the Node tool, you can change the type of node or adjust the handles of the node, or move nodes, or add more nodes or many other things.
Help menu > Inkscape manual can explain everything you need to know.
But it looks like you already found the Node tool. First, click on the smooth node to select it. Now you need to look on the control bar (just above the horizontal ruler) and find the button for cusp/corner nodes. It looks like this:
. You can select many nodes at the same time, and change them all at once.
There are also keyboard shortcuts you can use, if you prefer to using buttons and menus. See Help menu > Key and Mouse Reference