
Author Topic: I cant fill shape from a dxf file  (Read 465 times)

March 28, 2019, 02:21:01 PM
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Hi so I created a icon for Google Chrome in SolidWorks because I can work in it much faster, converted it to dxf inported to Inkscape and when I try to fill it with the fill menu it doesn't work

(51.97 kB . 403x403)
(viewed 174 times)

when I ungrup it and do [path] > [union] it doesn't work eiether (attachment in comment).
Is there a way to fill it? Thank you for any suggestions.

March 28, 2019, 02:21:54 PM
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Result of [Path] >[Union];
(70.79 kB . 403x403)
(viewed 152 times)

March 28, 2019, 06:18:25 PM
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Welcome to the forum!

I can't really guess, by looking at your screenshots, how the icon is made or what you need to do to fill it properly.  If you could share the SVG file, we could tell you what needs to happen.

Personally, it would seem much easier to me, to make it in Inkscape, from the start.  Using another program, or converting from another format just creates added difficulty and problems.  But in any case, with the SVG file, or DXF file, if you prefer, we can tell you what to do :)
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March 29, 2019, 02:20:04 AM
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Ah sorry I forgot that it's kinda hard to see what is the problem.
Here is the SVG;

(46 kB - downloaded 144 times)

The black lines are vectors the Chrome icon is just a PNG i want to fill in the shapes

I know it would be better to do it in Inkscape rather than in CAD (SolidWorks) and I tried doing it in it but it took me too long and I coudln't figure out how to do it properly, so yeah...

March 29, 2019, 03:44:51 AM
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Aah, ok.  The reason why they won't fill is because they paths aren't connected.  See

(176.34 kB . 1090x535)
(viewed 155 times)

So you need to select those paths with the Node tool (hold shift and click each path, or drag a selection box around all with Selection tool, and then switch to the Node tool).  Then with the Node tool drag a tiny selection box around the 2 overlapping end nodes, and click Join Selected Nodes button on the control bar (the first bar above the horizontal ruler) (or else use the key shortcut).  Then repeat for all the end nodes.

After all the paths are connected, you'll be able to use a traditional fill (rather then Paint Bucket tool).  Just click any color chip on the palette, or use Object menu > Fill and Stroke > Fill tab, to configure a custom color.  Or you could use the Dropper tool to choose the color from the raster image.

Or....looking closely, it looks like you might want to use a gradient to fill them.  I'm not sure if you want it exactly like the raster image, or just close.

You'll need to draw some new paths for the shadow colors.  Using the Pen tool, it's quite easy.  See my quick video

Yes, as I look closely, zoomed in, it does look like you could use some gradients, if you want it to be exactly like the raster image.

Well, you'll need to draw some new paths no matter what.  But you could use some of the existing paths, and duplicate them, to create objects for the darker areas, rather than draw them all new, as I showed.  Duplicate them before you connect them together

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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann                       

March 30, 2019, 04:25:05 AM
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Hi, I didn't have time yesterday to try it out, nor do I have it now. I will let you know once I had, thanks for the quick reply.