Author Topic: Failed install? Inkscape won't launch  (Read 7633 times)

June 04, 2018, 01:09:58 PM
Read 7633 times


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Please help me!  I just learned of Inkscape and really need to use it.  I have a MacBook Pro running OS X.11.6.  I downloaded Inkscape 0.92.2 (Mac installer - I don't understand those "builder" installer things).  I was already running XQuartz 2.7.9 because I use Finale, so that stuff didn't mystify me at all.  However I saw that there's a XQuartz 2.7.11 so I downloaded and installed that first. I restarted. 

I opened the Inkscape installer packet and dragged the application into the Applications folder.  I started the app and waited for the prompt to direct me to the XQuartz program or whatever it was the installation page said to do...

And HERE is where it went wrong.  In a spot of cat/etc. confusion, the installation got interrupted.  The computer had to be restarted.  It's possible Inkscape was trying to run for the first time during this mishap, or maybe the mishap has nothing to do with my problem, but it's worth noting. 

Anyway NOTHING I do since then will allow the program to start.  When I double-click the app icon all that happens is the usual change of focus one sees when starting any app, then it says "Inkscape" in the top left of the screen (where the name of a program in use would normally be), and after 2-5 seconds it fails and I am back in Finder as if I'd never tried to start the program.  I get no failure message of any kind.  Restarting doesn't help.

I've tried everything I could find.  PLEASE NOTE:
  • I know about the security setting gateway "allow apps downloaded from Anywhere",
  • I know about the XQuartz preferences and checked them as instructed on the install page (Input: Enable key equiv...; Option keys send...; Pasteboard: Enable syncing; Update CLIPBOARD... [was given nothing else than this in instructions]),
  • I saw someone in a forum said they reverted back to XQuartz 2.7.9 and then it worked, but not for me,
  • I saw someone in a forum said to open package contents>MacOS> Inkscape and start in Terminal, didn't help,
  • I threw out the program and downloaded it all over again, nothing,
  • And I have tried this :hh:, to no avail.

I'm definitely no computer wiz but I wonder if the reason none of these things are working for me MIGHT be because of the failed install.  Perhaps the botched install left things in the computer that are causing the failure, if you know what I mean.  I remember, in a former life as a Windows user I would have to go into the Registry etc. to locate and remove all traces of a program before re-attempting install if it failed, because a program drops little components all over.  The slate has to be wiped clean first.  Is it possibly something like that?  I'd appreciate some imaginative and/or experienced advice.

  • 0.92.2
  • MacBook Pro OS X.11.6

June 05, 2018, 03:27:36 AM
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  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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June 05, 2018, 07:34:28 AM
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Thank you, but I found that after I had the problem.  I did all of that.

"The first time you try to launch an X11-based application on OS X 10.8 or later, the system will notify you..." this didn't really apply anyway because as I indicated I already had X11 installed and running, in fact for quite a while now and never an issue with other app that uses it (Finale music notation software).  And besides, I tried installing newest version, then later reverted, and still nothing (see OP).

"Apple's new GateKeeper security feature may prevent..."  I was aware of that, it's not the problem.

Any other ideas, or anyone at least have a similar issue?  I'm really at a loss here!!

[P.S.  Thanks for welcoming me!!!  Can't wait til I'm a functioning user and I can spend time in here learning and maybe helping.]

  • 0.92.2
  • MacBook Pro OS X.11.6

June 05, 2018, 08:28:22 AM
Reply #3


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Aahh, ok.  I'm not a Mac user, so I've never really even read that FAQ.  But we might as well eliminate (rule out) that much.

Unfortunately we don't have any advanced Mac users, who visit on a regular basis.  So I would suggest using either the Inkscape IRC channel, or possibly User mailing list (if you want to go so far as subscribing to the mailing list).  You can find info on both of those here:

Inkscape developers and advanced users in general, tend not to participate on forums.  They primarily provide support on the user mailing list or user IRC, so that's the best place to find them.

There is another Inkscape forum ( and possibly someone there would know.  But since you sound pressed for time, the IRC would probably be your fastest route.  Note that the person (or people) (on irc) who happen to have your solution, might not necessarily be logged on, at the time you visit.  So after you post your problem be sure to monitor the chat for at least 30 to 45 minutes, and I'd keep a watch for a couple of hours.  If the channel is very busy, you might want to re-post after 2 or 3 hours.

The other possibility is that you have hit a bug - either Inkscape bug or Mac bug.  If you want to search the Inkscape bug tracker, that's here:  (Even if it were a bug, the bug report might contain workarounds.)  And of course, we can't help with a Mac bug.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
Inkscape Tutorials (and manuals)                      Inkscape Community Gallery                        Inkscape for Cutting Design                     

"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann