
Author Topic: Batch export only exports some objects, not all of them...  (Read 2552 times)

November 14, 2016, 11:25:32 AM
Read 2552 times


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Hi there,

I've got a problem with batch exporting for the second time in two days.
In my first svg I decided to export all the objects one by one but since a second svg had the same problems I'd like to ask for help.

I've been creating some game backgrounds with layers.
When I try to batch export every single object, only about half of the objects is being exported.
I can't find out why. It has nothing to do with layers. No double id's. I've restarted Inkscape. Renamed objects etc, etc...


Thanks in advance!

November 15, 2016, 11:37:52 AM
Reply #1


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Can you post the file, or, if that can't be published, another one that exposes the same problem? Which Inkscape version do you use? What's your operating system?

November 16, 2016, 08:21:52 AM
Reply #2


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Welcome to the forum!

I don't clearly understand what you're doing or what your goal is.  But for my current best understanding, it could have something to do with layers, if any of the layers are locked.  That prevents the objects on that layer from being selected.

But if that doesn't seem to be the problem, please tell us what you want for a result, and step by step, what you're doing in Inkscape.

I assume what you want for a result, would be a file with individual PNG images, of each object on the canvas.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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