Author Topic: Schatten trotz Transparenz?  (Read 993 times)

September 26, 2017, 12:38:47 AM
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ich zeichne ein Donat und stelle einen inneren Schatten dar - klappt prima.
Die Grafik soll mit HTML5 in einer Webapplikation dargestellt werden - allerdings transparent, weil der Hintergrund da festgelegt wird.
Kurzum ich brauche ein transparentes Donat, was aber einen inneren Schatten darstellt.
Mit Inkscape habe ich das nicht geschafft, weil eine 100% prozentige Transparenz (Deckkraft 0) auch den inneren Schatten verschwinden lässt.
Der Kollege hat in einer direkten Eingabe im SVG eine Lösung gefunden. Deshalb gehe ich davon aus, dass es in Inkscape auch eine Lösung gibt.
Könnt ihr mir einen Tipp geben?
Gruß Michael

September 26, 2017, 03:55:20 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

Using google to translate.  We have a German-speaking member who can help.  She should be here pretty soon.

Willkommen im Forum!

Mit Google zu übersetzen. Wir haben ein deutschsprachiges Mitglied, das helfen kann. Sie sollte bald hübsch sein.
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September 26, 2017, 07:29:05 AM
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LOL, google translate is hilarious. It says 'She should soon be pretty'....

The user has already asked the same question in the German forum (and I don't understand what they're trying to achieve), and Polygon/Frank is working on trying to help them.

Mimuel, im deutschen Forum wird schon versucht Dir zu helfen. Du erreichst eigentlich in allen Foren dieselben Leute. Doppel-posten lohnt nicht wirklich :)

September 26, 2017, 11:15:38 AM
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Haha!  Sorry about that.  I first wrote you'd be here "before too long".  But then I thought that might get messed up.  When I debated between "pretty soon" and "before too long" I decided it would be more likely to recognize "pretty soon".  I didn't want to just say "soon", because for all I knew, it could be tomorrow, which is not very soon.  Do you think mimuel will realize that the problem was the translator, and that I'm not warped?

Yes, that kind of thing is the reason that I don't use the google translation mods which a lot of forums use to achieve mulitple language support.  (The Italian Inkscape forum uses it.)  Some say it's better than nothing, but I'm not so sure.  (I would actually pay for a good translation product, if it wasn't too expensive.  But I don't think one exists which can work in forums.)

Here's my best google translation story. The reason that I know about it, is because if it really is the last resort for something important, I use both google and bing.  And I take the translation from one, and translate back to English in the other.  Of course that's not perfect either, but it's better than being embarrassed.  I was trying to get support for Framapad, on the all French (apparently) forum.  Whenever I would refer to "Framapad" or just "pad" (which is what it calls its documents) (like legal pad) it translated it to be a female hygiene product.....  Yikes!  Hhm, I tried to clean up, but I wonder if I missed something, and that's why they never answered....?

In any case, hopefully Polygon can solve his problem.

Thanks, Moini :)

Viel Glück, mimuel!
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