Author Topic: Cloned images not updating  (Read 3016 times)

April 05, 2016, 10:14:02 AM
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I am new to the program and currently having an issue with cloned images.

I have a graphic that I cloned into 11 others and positioned to facilitate printing onto labels.

When I update the initial graphic I was under the impression that the cloned images would then update with the changes.

I did try to copy the main image and then did Edit ~ Clone ~ Relink to Copied but that did not work either.

Not sure if it's beneficial for me to attach the file I am working with or not.  If so, let me know and I can do that of course.  Thank you very much in advance.


April 05, 2016, 11:15:36 AM
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Welcome Lenny!

Yes, in this case, it would be helpful to be able to look at the SVG file.  When you say you "updated" the original, what did you do exactly?

It looks like you're on Windows.  And which Inkscape version?

You're correct that you should be able to edit the parent object, and all the clones should instantly change.  It's hard to know what could be going wrong, so looking at your file will help us.  You can attach to your reply, if you use Reply and not Quick Reply.  Or you can upload anywhere and give us a link to download it.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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April 05, 2016, 11:25:59 AM
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My reference to "updating" was I went and just changed some text in the main image. 

I am attaching the file here.

Thanks again!

April 05, 2016, 11:37:53 AM
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I also meant to let you know that I am using Windows 10 on a Microsoft Surface Book if that helps.


April 05, 2016, 11:50:08 AM
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Hhm.  I'm not sure what might have happened, but there are no clones in the file.  But it's not all bad news. 

First, when you select one of the images, look at the status bar (middle-bottom of window) and it will tell you what kind of object it is.  Except for the one in the top-left corner, they are all Groups.  It's possible you were clicking the Group button instead of the Clone button.

So you could either use one of those Groups, and create new clones from it, or you could use the one in the top-left corner.  The only difference is that the one on the corner is not a group.  It doesn't really matter which one you use.  But if you use the one in the corner, just make sure you have selected all the pieces, before you clone it.  This is the Clone button:   :cl:

Also, I noticed that you have used Flowed Text, which can be a problem in some situations.  I guess you will be printing these, and I can't think of any problems with Flowed Text and printing.  But my memory isn't so good.  So if you have a problem with the text, you can probably solve it by converting the Flowed Text to regular text.  Text menu > Convert to Text.  You might have to re-align the text after you do that.   But at least you'd only have to do it once.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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