I'm trying to write my first extension. I tried the Hello World example and it worked just fine. So, following it as an example, I created my own BUT it ALWAYS throws an error message saying 'error no such option --gw' (grid width variable). I have trawled the net but haven't found anyone else with this error so I guess I'm doing something wrong but I cannot fathom it out. I've been bashing my head against the wall and internet for two days now.
I have attached a screen shot showing that the UI dialog pops up with the default values. On pressing Apply I get the error dialog.
What the script is doing is irrelevant but, for the curious - I'm using inkscape to design LED panel layouts. My panels are currently 64x64 pixels, after roughly hand placing ellipses for the LEDs I want to ensure they are moved to the nearest exact pixel position before extracting the XY co-ords as a tuple list for use in a python animation script. That script works but it isn't an Inkscape extension.
When the extension runs and tries to access 'self.options.gw' it never gets past that point. I have installed the latest stable release (0.92.2 today and I get the same result).
If anyone could help me solve the problem I'll be eternally grateful.
Many thanks.