Author Topic: Text Line Spacing  (Read 11492 times)

December 11, 2017, 02:29:15 PM
Read 11492 times


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I have a paragraph in a text box and the line spacing is too big. Each line has a return after it because they are steps. How do I decrease the text line spacing? I have used the A/A vertical shift but it only affects the first line even when all lines are highlighted. If I change line spacing by highlighting each line at a time, I must increment the spacing, i.e., -3.00 for the second line, -6.00 for the third, -9.00, etc. Any edits after doing that, clicking a line to drop the cursor off puts the cursor where the line would have been originally making it very difficult to know which line I'm editing. Any help is appreciated. I've have read all the forum info. I'm using Windows 10.
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December 12, 2017, 04:30:43 AM
Reply #1


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Welcome to the forum!

Check and see what the units are for the text size.  Also, you might need to uncheck the question mark button.  I don't know why it's enabled by default.  And also the mysterious TT button which is just to the left of the font size.  I don't know what it's for, and sometimes I have to have it enabled and sometimes disabled, to make my text look right.
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December 12, 2017, 09:16:42 AM
Reply #2


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See also:

If you have upgraded from 0.91, then it's most likely an issue with your preferences file. Somehow, on upgrade, the old preferences aren't interpreted correctly by the new version. If you don't manage to make it right, then renaming (and by that, disabling) your personal preferences.xml might do the trick.