Author Topic: PDF opening wrong.  (Read 859 times)

May 10, 2018, 03:53:29 AM
Read 859 times


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When I open a PDF, then draw a straight line, write a word and after selecting both, click on 'Put on path', it puts it upside down. Can someone please tell me how to stop it doing this? I have too much to complete to have to keep doing everything the long way. Thanks.
  • .92.3
  • Windows 10 64bit

May 10, 2018, 01:44:07 PM
Reply #1


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    • VektorRascheln
Imported PDFs always seem to be using mirrored coordinate systems... I've written a (German) article that covers it and the issue you mention here:

Easiest fix is to create a new layer, and create the text and the path in that layer.

Or to ungroup everything until there are no more groups in the drawing, and then move everything to a new layer.