Author Topic: Issue with fonts on Linux Mint  (Read 3393 times)

June 06, 2017, 03:47:59 PM
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Okay, so this seems to be a beginner's question.
Can someone please explain why my Inkscape does not recognize all my installed fonts? I'm using Linux MInt 18.1 Serena.

Also, don't know why I had two versions of Inkscape installed. The one I'm using says it's 0.92, while the other said 0.91. Funny thing is that 0.91 didn't show this font issue.

I'm glad to use Inkscape!

June 06, 2017, 04:00:21 PM
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Welcome to the forum!

There were probably some changes to text and font issues, between versions 0.91 and 0.92.  But of all the possible reasons there might be for this kind of problem, I would not expect to show up on the same computer!

I'm not a Linux user (although maybe soon I will be).  But I seem to recall there there is a way to use fonts that aren't actually installed.  Maybe like when using a font manager?  Or was that Macs I heard that about??

When you said it happens with installed fonts, you mean installed on the system, rather than installed into the font manager, right?  Could it be possible some of your fonts aren't installed on the system, but they work in other programs anyway?

Or in Linux, can you have separate user accounts?  Could some fonts be installed only for certain users?

Sometimes font won't show up if they're poorly made.  (Inkscape can be somewhat picky about that.)  But I'm not getting that impression for your problem description.

Well, if none of that seems to help, someone else will be along shortly, who can help better  :)

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June 06, 2017, 04:13:40 PM
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Hello, brynn!
I'm a student of arts and I recently decided to use free open source software as much as I possibly can to apply digital sintetization of my ideas.
I've used and worked on Illustrator + Photoshop for a while, got used to it, but dropped them due Linux reasons and insufficient hardware (I'm using a 5 year old laptop!). So it's been only a few days of diving into it but I'm full into it; can't stay out of it a day. But this font thing is really bugging me.  :hh:
Hey, nice to meet you. Seems you're quite active over here - hope we'll be friends.

It really seems that it's a Inkscape problem. They are installed for all users with admin privileges into the system, all work fine anywhere else. Maybe I should reinstall inskcape?

June 06, 2017, 08:22:20 PM
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Well, reinstalling Inkscape is easy to do, so it won't hurt anything.  I'll go and search for some bug reports for 0.92.  Maybe I'll find something.

But I know we have Linux users here.  They just haven't had time, apparently, to visit yet.

I'll post again shortly if I find any bugs.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
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June 06, 2017, 08:39:33 PM
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For the record, when you're comparing fonts between programs, are you looking at the Inkscape canvas, and also for the same file? 

If you're looking at the SVG on a webpage, there is something about Inkscape text that would prevent it from showing up.  If that's the case, you'll need to change your text from flowed text to regular text.  or maybe  object to path.
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June 06, 2017, 10:12:04 PM
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I didn't find any bugs.  It doesn't mean there aren't any though. 

I found several issues regarding text in the release notes for 0.92: but they don't seem to reveal any potential answers for this problem.

Could you create a screenshot or 2, showing how you notice the missing fonts?  Maybe that will give us a clue.  Often we find that words alone can fail us, haha.
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June 07, 2017, 02:36:09 PM
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I didn't find any bugs.  It doesn't mean there aren't any though. 

I found several issues regarding text in the release notes for 0.92: but they don't seem to reveal any potential answers for this problem.

Could you create a screenshot or 2, showing how you notice the missing fonts?  Maybe that will give us a clue.  Often we find that words alone can fail us, haha.

Strangely enough, reinstalling it seemed to work.
Attached is the result of my first pro work made entirely on Inkscape and I think it's really great!


June 08, 2017, 04:22:54 PM
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Oh, that's good news!

I think I'm seeing the font you mean to show, partly because it fits so well in the available space.  But also partly because I notice an inconsistency with the 2nd O in "Laboratorio", which looks like a path manipulation, rather than a whole different font, just for one letter.  If so, that means you probably did use Object to Path on it?   But I'm not sure if the odd O is intentional or not.

I don't read that language (Spanish, I think) well enough to form an opinion on the artwork.  But as a first try with Inkscape, it's awesome - I see you even got into gradients!
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
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June 08, 2017, 06:22:25 PM
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Oh, that's good news!

I think I'm seeing the font you mean to show, partly because it fits so well in the available space.  But also partly because I notice an inconsistency with the 2nd O in "Laboratorio", which looks like a path manipulation, rather than a whole different font, just for one letter.  If so, that means you probably did use Object to Path on it?   But I'm not sure if the odd O is intentional or not.

I don't read that language (Spanish, I think) well enough to form an opinion on the artwork.  But as a first try with Inkscape, it's awesome - I see you even got into gradients!
Hey there.
It's an accent. I did not want it to be on the dashed line on the top, so this was the best way to fit it :P
It's portuguese- it says "Territorial Research Laboratory ('La Terra' are the initials)".
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 06:53:38 PM by belchior »

June 09, 2017, 06:33:54 PM
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Yeah, I wasn't completely positive it was Spanish.  I thought could be Portuguese or maybe Italian.

Oh, an accent!  I get it now.  I probably would have figured it out initially, if I had known Portuguese.

Anyway, still nice work for the first Inkscape project!
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
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