Author Topic: Working with polar grid  (Read 4091 times)

July 15, 2015, 09:34:27 PM
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Greetings! I'm new to Inkscape and vector graphics in general. I'm trying to create a circular diagram that looks something like the attached screenshot. The easiest way to align the symbols seems to be with a polar grid. I can create the grid, but once it's created, I can't find a way to reopen the dialog and change its settings. For example, I may need to change the number of division. Is there a way to do this? Thanks.

July 16, 2015, 07:00:08 PM
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Welcome felicitea!

No.  Unfortunately the extensions are not "live".  You'll have to create a whole new one, each time.  However, there are probably some ways to smooth out your workflow.  (There have been some requests for this kind of feature though, so you're not alone in wishing for it :) )

The dialog  offers a "live" preview, which you might find some way to use.  You can't snap to the preview because it's not really a path (yet).  But if you're in the middle of drawing the symbols in the diagram, and realize you need to change the grid, you can delete the old grid, and use the live preview to see how different configurations of the grid will look against the diagram.  You'll need to set it up so that the grid preview is aligned exactly like the old grid.

Or you could probably come up with a way to use Layers.  When you create a grid, put it on a layer by itself,  when you reach a  point where you need to try different configurations for the grid, hide that layer, and then create a new grid on a new layer.

Just a quick note about the extension dialogs.  You might have already realized this.  They can only remember the configuration of the last object they created.  And you can't select an object drawn by an extension, and retrieve the configuration (settings).  So if you have any that you might want to use again in the future, be sure to write down all values.         
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July 16, 2015, 07:56:02 PM
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Thanks, brynn. At least I know now that I wasn't missing something totally obvious. I'll try your suggestion about the live preview. I have been putting the grid a layer. Hiding that layer and adding another grid might work too. Thanks for the warning about the extension dialogs only remembering the last configuration also. I'm sure that might still catch me one day, but at least I've been warned!  :D

July 17, 2015, 02:36:06 AM
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Yes, there is a way, but not with the extension.

This svg was made with interpolate and stitch subpaths, so you can edit the number of divisions through the lpe's settings.

This problem was somewhat similar.

Speaking of, how to lay the symbols down on a precise position, is a much harder part.

July 17, 2015, 01:35:56 PM
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Thanks, Lazur. I'll check out your suggestions. Yes, precisely positioning the symbols is quite challenging.