Thanks for your comments, Lazur. I was thinking of moving the slogan over to the side. In fact, that was my first instinct. But didn't like it.
However, it will probably seem different when it's loaded onto the page. I might end up moving it over under "Community", in the end. Maybe it's too big - maybe making it smaller?
No, I'm not trying to make a real logo. I just need the name of the site up there. It's the forum software that calls it a logo. No matter what you put there, a photo, or even nothing, it would still call it a logo.
The mixed upper/lower case is just that particular font. I couldn't tell you how many different fonts I tried. That was really the only one I liked. But I'd certainly take suggestions, if anyone has any.
I think it would be fun to have the text, and add some of the Inkscape icons to it. But I'm not artistic enough to make it work. But if someone else wants to try, I would love to see it. I'd certainly consider using it. (Although keeping in mind that things might be changing around here, if the new forum ever happens.)