If you had used Copy/Paste in Inkscape, before you made the changes which I references in your other message, then the unsharp lines in the EPS could potentially be related to the Mac copy/paste issue.
I'm not set up to be able to view EPS files, although other people in this forum are. So you're welcome to share the EPS file. But you can probably figure this out on your own. In the EPS file, opened in Inkscape, select the unsharp objects (with Selection tool), and check the status bar. If the status bar says "Image...." then that means they were rasterized, probably by using copy/paste (but not necessarily).
If those objects aren't identified in the status bar as images, then there must be some other explanation. Be sure to identify which objects you want us to look at, if you share the file, because we might not necessarily see the same problem that you see. (Sometimes problems are very subtle, and more subjective.)