I have problem with Inkscape coordinate system.
I use inkscape as a UI desinger. I want export each group as a single svg and...I do it by python parser and inkscape commandline renderer.
But I have problem with coordinates of each object.
For example,
I have in inkscape
group which is complete window
deeper in group we have other
group for example X (close) button, which construct by path, rectangle and ellipse
And parsers create tree of folders depend on <g></g>
When parser "see" <g></g> then create folder named <id of group> and go deeper until it encounters at <g root_img="true"></g> then all between <g....></g> treats as separate svg and call Inkscape commandline to render it, and save as <id of group>.png.
After all process I have.
I want now cooridnates.txt which have inside, for instance:
close_btn 1250, 10
title_bar 0, 0
product_belt1.png 150, 150
But how get absolute coordinates of each group ?
Someone have any idea ?
EDIT. It is possible to make plug-in which add additional arguments[x=150, y=120] to all groups in xml?