
Author Topic: Hello  (Read 4416 times)

March 09, 2015, 06:25:49 PM
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Morning to all.
Google search got me here, looking for a solution to a Circle to spline issue I am having and found a possible solution already. This is the easiest way to tell you where I am in my learning. 
[email protected]
I have a goal and a working project. I have all the pieces together, in one place on 1 computer. I used eMachinshop to design my parts before I knew what inkscape was capable of going for me. Now I have to redraw or figure out how to successfully convert my existing alternator prototype design. I have been at it for 2 whole weeks. tutorial, throwing rocks, tutorials,...
so .ems to .dxf to .svg to gcobe to CNC. I have started redrawing in 100% inkscape and now I'm here.   
Shapes I will be focused on, I'm simple, Squares inside a circle evenly spaced around the circle.
 I'm a slow learner and math is not a strong suite. I also like building things and learning while I build.

The search feature works so I will be using it a lot.

March 09, 2015, 07:42:30 PM
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Welcome to our forum!
Squares in a circle, inside a circle.  A couple of our members can probably discuss and help you with that.  Whatever way I would try, probably would not be mathematically or geometrically correct.  So I probably can't be much help.  If you like you could start a new topic in Beyond the Basics board, and post any kind of details or requirements you might want to discuss, you're very welcome to.

"Alternator prototype"  Hhmmm.....  So each little square in the image of wooden model, is the contact point for the alternator's....well, the thing in the center that spins around?  (While I usually can understand the basic idea of how things work, I don't necessarily know the right terminology.)  It it was a car engine, that would be a TON of pistons!

Aahhh....but then we have some hearts....maybe not that kind of alternator?  Ok, so I have to ask, what is the goal of this project?  :D
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March 09, 2015, 09:03:19 PM
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Thank you brynn.
I just might do that New topic.

The wood image is a negative for fiberglass molds of my rotor to be use in casting aluminium rotors. You see where I'm going with this right?
Center out. Shaft hole to turbine and  external clamp. Hearts, for my wife, empty space creates spokes. square blocks are the 36 magnets N45 neodymium magnets.

Simplification is my goal. A CNC and computer are the tools. Inkscape and all associated programs are the keys.

 The starters for this permanent magnet alternator is a whole new project.

Its a project and I want to share for the education.  :2tu:

March 09, 2015, 10:05:27 PM
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Hhmm..... instead of spark plugs, there are magnets in the little squares.....  Turbine.....hhmmm.....

Yeah, I understand what you mean by negative.  But I haven't been very well exposed to engineering fields.  (My 35 year old degree is in Forestry.  I could tell you all about the wood you used.)

"Permanent magnet alternator"....  Does "permanent" mean the turbine turns constantly, sort of perpetually spinning?

Wait a minute.....  I'm not sure the bottom, large round part is wood.  If it is, it's been meticulously constructed!  It looks a lot like wood....really old wood.  Or maybe ceramic?   But yeah, I know, it's just the mold (or mold for the mold).

I see the space between the squares varies.  Is that one of the problems  you need to solve?
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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann                       

March 10, 2015, 05:50:10 AM
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Hhmm..... instead of spark plugs, there are magnets in the little squares.....  Turbine.....hhmmm.....

"Permanent magnet alternator"....  Does "permanent" mean the turbine turns constantly, sort of perpetually spinning?

I see the space between the squares varies.  Is that one of the problems  you need to solve?

Yes to both,.
Precision is my big problem with this design. Just can't seem to get wood to work with me on this one.  Wood is 1/2in ply. blocks  are 1/2"x 1/2" and hearts are both hemlock or pine.

I was putting out forest fires with the DNR (Dept. of Natural resources) 30 years ago. I am a maintenance man/handyman. Schooled as an operating engineer (building operation). The only qualifications I have to do what I'm doing, is the desire to build this project.

This link show my Emachineshop drawing of the original design Stater and Rotor., my best estimate anyway. The rotor was approximately 4 feet across. The one I'm working on is 9 inches. CNC work table 9", part 9"; CNC cut area 8"; Magnet cutouts 7", it just might work if I buy aluminum disc with a center point for my path start point.

The pic of the wood thing with the discs on top is my last working turbine. 12vdc in a 12mph wind, just didn't work well, this is the upgrade.

I will start the new thread for my project here and keep the majority of ranting on my page.

March 10, 2015, 04:59:53 PM
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Quote (selected)
I will start the new thread for my project here and keep the majority of ranting on my page.

" page."  Do you have a webpage?  You should be able to create a signature now, if you like.
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