There's a way to select consecutive nodes, which I find helpful when paths are convoluted.
-- Position the mouse over approx the node in the middle of the section which you want to delete, so that the node is highlighted (red).
-- Roll the mouse wheel, and you will see nodes selected one at a time - first on one side of the highlighted node, and next the node on the other side, and etc, until you stop rolling the wheel.
Stop rolling the mouse wheel when all the nodes which need to be removed, are highlighted.
-- Next, delete those nodes. If you hold Ctrl while you do that, the segment in between will be straight. I guess it depends on the convoluted paths, whether having it straight would make the next step eaiser.
You can also use this technique in combination with others, such as holding Shift and deselecting a node or selecting one extra, or dragging selection box or etc.
-- Next, click on the segment (to select the 2 nodes).
-- Then Node control bar button "Delete segment between 2 non-end nodes".
Note that it takes a lot of text to explain, but the whole process probably takes a minute or 2!