
Author Topic: Mirror Symmetry (LPE) options  (Read 482 times)

May 21, 2019, 10:50:02 PM
Read 482 times


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I am not able to understand the options for the Mirror Symmetry LPE. Options like"Fuse Path", Opposite Fuse" and "Split" what they exactly do.

Split is spiting the two paths after which I can change the shape of the mirrored object, but changing the original path reflects the changes in the mirrored object. Whereas if color is changed for the mirrored object or the original object it is possible to keep different color for both after splitting.

Any guidance regarding the same will be very helpful.
  • 1.0 alpha

May 22, 2019, 08:25:28 AM
Reply #1


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    • VektorRascheln
Maybe the videos will help?

(the options are similar for both)

The results of fusing will only be visible when you move the items on top of each other, and then convert the result to a path - which will then contain a 'fused' shape instead of multiple single ones of the same type.