Author Topic: Problem regarding text svg  (Read 3820 times)

March 08, 2015, 03:31:28 AM
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I use video scribe for whiteboard animation and recently have  started using Inkscape.
The problem I am having is when I produce an svg for text to be drawn by video scribe. The hand that draws is shaking  and a line appears through the hand.
This problem is only when converting text, there is no line when drawing an illustration.
I have tried different pens for drawing and it does not help.
I have taken this up with video scribe, but have not been offered any suggestions.
Is there anything which might  be conflicting or has anyone else experienced this problem.
When  I copy I paste into notebook and then copy and paste from there. Should I do anything when I have pasted into notebook other than copy again ?
Thanks in anticipation of any help

March 08, 2015, 04:40:57 AM
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Hhmm....since I am not familiar with video scribe or whiteboards , I probably can't help much.  Maybe Lazur or other members will be able to help?

The only thing that comes to mind, when we see problems with text that was created with Inkscape, but then is being used outside of Inkscape, is "flowed text".  Currently, Inkscape's flowed text does not meet SVG standards (I think because the SVG standards for flowed text don't exist yet).  So certainly you should check and make sure you are using regular text.  Other programs or applications will not be able to recognize Inkscape's flowed text.

Since I'm not familiar with these applications, I'm not sure if you might be using text from Inkscape, or if in Inkscape,  you have converted the text to path.  If you have, it will no longer be editable in Inkscape (or anywhere else) as text (only as paths).

When the video scribe draws the whiteboard animation, is it drawing the text as paths?  Or does it write out the text, so that it looks like this hand is actually writing the text (like a real hand writes text)?

Did you get your other problem fixed, that you posted in the other topic?
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March 08, 2015, 06:39:15 AM
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Not familiar with that program, the 7 days trial tells me it's not a free one.
Here the examples don't show the line issue but the shaking hand appears.
As if the letters were filled up with ink, just as they are filled characters with no strokes.

You can try Hershey text for real stroked lettering, which should prevent any shaky movement.

March 09, 2015, 01:10:17 AM
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So you think the shaking hand is where they are filling in the text?  Interesting.
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