Hi Friends,
Because we'll have new members from InkscapeForum.com, who are accustomed to a forum that never does any maintenance, I was thinking it might not be a bad idea to post this.
Regular server and forum maintenance, here, happens at least twice yearly, and maybe as much as a few times per year. Often the site will be taken offline for a few hours while it happens.
Most of the time I'll have advanced notice about this, so I can post a notice about it ahead of time. But occassionally it sort of sneaks up on me.
When this happens, when you try to visit the forum, you'll see a short message saying that the forum is in "Maintenance Mode".
And unfortunately, sometimes forums break and sometimes servers break. Of course, the regular maintenance helps prevent it. But it still could happen, and those would result in longer downtimes (maybe a day or 2, depending how bad it is). Of course I keep backups, so we can restore most of what might be lost in an unexpected breakage. But the downtime would still be required for fixing and restoring.
Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll try to answer them.