I used File menu > Clean Up Document, which removed 823 defs. It should be working better now. Give it a try
(Be sure not to have anything selected when you click Clean Up Document. That will enable you to see how many defs were removed, in the status bar. If something is selected when you do it, you can't see how much was removed.)
Fyi, here's a little tutorial/article which explains many ways to avoid performance issues.
https://forum.inkscapecommunity.com/index.php?action=articles;sa=view;article=35 When a file starts to reach about the size of this one, I often start to see signs of performance issues. Just to give you an idea what to expect. But the article gives ways to avoid it. And using various tricks, I can work in a file up to 4 or 5 mb, before the issues annoy me so much I'm ready to give up. Of course, it's possible to work in even much larger files, if I'm just going to do 1 or 2 little things. But for really working, drawing, adding more objects, 5 mb is about my limit.
Also, there are 23 raster images, which appear to consist of 23 tiny diamond shapes (or maybe other tiny shapes, I didn't look at every single one of them). You could replace those with vector diamond shapes, and save a really significant amount KBs. (I can't tell if they were imported, or if you used Make Bitmap Copy.)