I agree with Lazur, that probably the missing content can't be recovered. At least not very easily. Not unless you have a backup file. Even if the backup is not current, it still might contain some of the missing content.
I don't know if this is possible, but it seems like I've heard of computer experts who can recover lost content. Maybe that's just on TV, haha. But still, I do think it's possible. I see that you're using Windows, and if you bought your computer with Windows installed, you might have access to tech support from where you bought the computer. You'd probably have to pay for it though.
There are a few things you could do, to help avoid this problem in the future.
1 -- If your regular work routine is [work, work, work, ..... > Save > Close], and you're working on such a large file as this, you need to allow a few moments after Save, for Inkscape to save the file completely. At this time, there is no way to know when the save is complete (although this gives me an idea to ask the developers if they could add some kind of notification) (because we see this problem more and more, lately).
Have you noticed while you're working, that Inkscape is slow to respond to your clicks and drags and etc.? Here's a tutorial/article I wrote, to help avoid these performance issues.
http://forum.inkscapecommunity.com/index.php?action=articles;sa=view;article=35 Mostly I just mention that to provide helpful info, since you're working on this large file. But for estimating how long to wait after Save, before you Close the file, I would suggest waiting 2 or 3 times longer than you're waiting for Inkscape to respond while you're working. Note that is very much an estimate.
For the work routine, mine is [work > Save, work > Save, work > Save......Close]
2 -- Edit menu > Preferences > Input/Output > Autosave. There are some precautions for using this, which I can't remember at the moment....mostly because I've never used it. But I'll do some research later today, and post the info for you.
3 -- Well, this is good advice for everyone who is using a pc for essential work, one should always have a good, solid, backup routine. AND use it regularly!