
Author Topic: sticker/button template in Inkscape  (Read 3353 times)

October 06, 2016, 04:53:33 AM
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Hi All

I would like to create the template in Inkscape for pin buttons so it is always same size etc and I can change background image and writing etc
something similar what you can see on the site below: ... r_demo.php
those would be then copied to a PDF template for printing (107 per page)
what would be the best way to set it up for easy and quick changes.
Also what is the best way to keep the best quality of background images for printing?

I've tried GIMP forum and been directed here as inkscape is apparently a better tool..
I thought I could use layers for this (each layer responsible for one attribute)

Would the quality of high resolution image be lost in Inkscape when printing?

Also to add I would be mainly working on portable version so not sure if it has got any restrictions.

October 06, 2016, 05:00:51 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

I think you didn't copy the address right, for that link.

Layers are a good way to go, if they're needed.  It's hard to say until we see an example.

Inkscape wouldn't lose the resolution.  The printer is in charge of the resolution.  If you submit a high resolution file, you could still get a not good result, if the printer doesn't use the right thing.  Are you taking it to a professional printer, or doing it yourself?
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October 06, 2016, 05:16:36 AM
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sorry my bad

full link :

I will be printing myself.

it will be small prints so as long as the loss of quality is not drastic I should be OK.

October 06, 2016, 04:23:03 PM
Reply #3


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Yes, layers would help for quick edits.  Take note of the options for hiding and/or locking layers.  Sometimes they can be as annoying as helpful, but once you get the hang of it.....well, and find your own personal workflow, you can deal with it.

Will you have a different template for each size of button?  Or do you plan to make them all at the same size, and scale them just before printing?

If you're going to have several templates, you can make custom templates in Inkscape!  I'm in a bit of a hurry, but there's a tutorial, if I can find it....  Ahh, here:  It is slightly old, but I don't think any of the template related features have changed much, if at all.

If you don't need more than 1 template, well, even so, it still could be helpful to make a custom  template.

Basically you can make the template to have any option that's available in Inkscape.  If you want a grid, configure a grid.  Guides too.  If you want the same background, let's say like a pattern print or a giant daisy on every single button,  put it in the template.  Certain text that might be on all of them, yes, and even layers, that too.  Oh, just re-reading your message, you said you're going to make a sheet of these.  So you can make a template for that too, if you want.  I'd have to give it some thought, exactly how.  But I know it can be done.

There's an extension for printing marks, if you need them.  I think it's packed with Inkscape.  But if you don't find it, try here:

I can't speak much to keeping the background nice, with the high resolution, because resolution confuses me.  But as long as you import the high resolution images, use the proper import options, and don't scale them, you should be fine.  But there may be other issues.  Lazur can probably explain that.  If he doesn't reply, please post a new reply (in this thread) with only that question in it, and I'll try to grab his attention.

Just out of curiosity, how do you handle the roundness of the button?  I mean, how to you apply the printed design without making creases or folds, to allow for the convex profile?
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
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