Hello, I just discovered Inkscape and am now trying out a tutorial. The tutorial information is as follows...
a link to the tutorial -
http://goinkscape.com/how-to-design-a-circular-logo-in-inkscape/credit the tutorial author - Aaron Nieze
for a video tutorial, please tell us the time step (hold mouse over progress bar to show the time) - 27 seconds
and finally, please tell us what happens on your canvas that is different from the tutorial....or in other words, what goes wrong
the more detail, the better - when I drop my polygon pointer on the canvas and drag out, it does not draw the 55 cornered circle as in the tutorial. When I let go of the left mouse button, it presents a dashed bounding box with 2 diamond shapes... one that I can resize the box, the other just lets me move it around the canvas. Quite honestly this seems silly that it does not draw the polygon as in the tutorial.
Any help is greatly appreciated