
Author Topic: SVG file wont load, what to do?  (Read 2130 times)

November 07, 2016, 06:33:01 AM
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I created a logo for a local photography club couple of weeks ago, I just wanted to use the logo for some testing purposes on an offline website I'm building, it's a square logo. However, Inkscape fails to load the file, and upon clicking OK, it just opens a new Inkscape instance.

Any ideas?

I've attached a screenshot of the error message as well as a copy of the svg file.

(28.91 kB . 370x175)
(viewed 267 times)

PE Photography Club_2.svg
*PE Photography Club_2.svg
(70.76 kB - downloaded 215 times)

P.S. Hello from Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I've been using Inkscape for personal and free projects for a couple of years now, nothing amazing to write about, but it gets me through given I don't do graphic design as a career or a serious hobby.

November 07, 2016, 08:46:31 AM
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Welcome aboard!

Bad news with the file, it contains nothing of the svg content.
Opened with a notepad it's just a line of nul characters. It may have come from a damaged pdf for example.
But at this point you either look for a backup save or start from scratch.

November 08, 2016, 05:13:57 AM
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That's probably due to this bug:

Make sure you activate the autosave feature (in the preferences), and when you save, wait a bit before you close the program, so the file can be written completely. In 0.92, this bug will be fixed.

November 09, 2016, 05:37:05 AM
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Damn! I thought it was something else (probably hoping). My laptop did suddenly shutdown a few weeks ago when I designed the logo but wasn't quite sure at the time.

Didn't know there was an autosave, will definitely enable it.

Thanks Lazur and Moini

Now to recreate the logo....and save it properly  :)