Author Topic: Block diagrams with colored text boxes and handles ("like UML/Dia/Viso")?  (Read 1135 times)

November 04, 2018, 03:04:49 AM
Read 1135 times


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I would like to create rectangular boxes containing some text.

* It should be possible to set colors for background and border of the box
* If I change the text, the box should automatically resize if required
* If I change the text, the text should automatically re-align to the center of the box
* The box should have "handles" on its four corners and in the middle of the edges
* I want to be able

Of course I could
* Draw some text
* Draw a rectangle
* Group those two elements

However, every time I want to change the text I have to
* Ungroup the group
* Modify text
* Resize box
* Re-Align text to box
* Group the two elements

This workflow is annoying and it prevents me from using Inkscape for drawing Flow Charts, UML diagrams ect.

The object connectors are a nice feature. However, I would like them to connect not only to the center of objects
but also to the corners and middles of edges.

=> Is there an Inkscape extension that provides the wanted block diagram features that I know from
appications like Gnu Dia, OpenOffice Draw, Microsoft Visio?

=> Are there specific reasons why Inkscape does not provide such block diagram features? (Or did I simply oversee some existing features?)

November 04, 2018, 03:46:25 AM
Reply #1


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Welcome to the forum!

If such features don't exist yet, it's probably because no developers have become interested enough to do it.  If you look on the Home tab (above), and down near the bottom of that page, you'll see all the external Inkscape extensions (that I know about).  I don't immediately recall an extension that will do that....which doesn't mean there isn't one.

There might be something in the Animation/Presentation section.  Or else already installed in Inkscape are the JessyInk extensions. JessyInk is a presentation app.  And there are a couple more presentation type programs mentioned here, on the Inkscape website.  Some of those might do something like what you want.

Oh, also on the Home tab again, under Render > Tables, Charts, Graphs, Plots, there might be some relevant extensions.

Also look in the Unsure section, for one called Link SVG.  That one might be your best bet.  I don't clearly understand what it does, but what little I do understand, it auto-updates certain contents, based on contents of other files.

It could be you're looking for something that just doesn't exist yet.  Sorry, I wish I could be more help.  Maybe someone else will know more?
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