
Author Topic: Setting Margin for Plot Export  (Read 624 times)

November 18, 2018, 08:57:38 AM
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When using the Extensions->Export->Plot option, is there anyway to set a padding amount for x or y dimensions?  I saw some much older posts (for Inkscape 0.47) that referenced this HPGL extension, that showed the option for setting padding, but I can't find them anywhere anymore.  I've tried to add some white space around my paths, however those appear to be ignored and always begin the cut at (0,0).

Can anyone point me in the right direction?  Thanks!
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November 18, 2018, 09:32:01 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking.  But I can probably refer you to another extension or 2, where you could look for this feature.

Although now that I think of it, I think InkCut was "born" around the time of those older messages you've been reading about.  Fortunately, it's just been updated, and once again works with the current version of Inkscape.  So maybe that's what you need?  See below.

Here are 3 external extensions (meaning that they need to be installed, which is not very hard to do) which export to HPGL:

Modela Engravers - exports HPGL, works with Modela brand of engravers
InkCut - more info - this has been very recently updated

InkCutter - fork of InkCut

If you look on the Home tab on this website, down near the bottom are steps for installing extensions, which were written for beginners.

If you still can't find that feature, if you could explain a little more, maybe Inkscape can still do it, and we could tell you how.  I don't use a cutter/plotter, so I'm not sure what you're describing.
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November 18, 2018, 04:35:51 PM
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Thanks Brynn!  I'll take a look at the extensions, but let me also try to explain myself a little more clearly just in case.

When I send an SVG to my cutting machine using the file menu option "Extensions->Export->Plot" it sends the file to the cutter and makes the cuts successfully.  The problem is it begins the cut exactly at the X, Y Coordinate 0,0.  I'd like to be able to start my cut at 1,0 (in inches) so I have some lee-way if my paper drifts over the course of my 3 foot cut.  In the HPGL export extension that I've seen referenced as being native in Inkscape 0.47 it shows this feature of setting where to begin the cut (call it padding or margins or offset) and I'm making an assumption that this extension was the precursor to the current extension that is natively included in Inkscape now.  It seems weird that such a basic function would be removed in a latter release so I'm hoping that I'm just missing something obvious.  I've tried searching for more information on the extension but can't find any additional information on it.

I've looked at Inkcut, and haven't been overly impressed.  The effort it takes just to get it to load on my Linux machine was fairly large and it seemed to be lacking and the computer I have for use with the cutter is Windows based.  I got Inkcut to load on Windows, but it doesn't actually make any cuts when I send the data to the printer (There's probably some step I'm missing where I have to find a way to get pycups working on Windows?)
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November 18, 2018, 06:40:54 PM
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Oh, I see.  That's fair enough.  Time Waster is definitely a good authority on this.   Much better than me!  You could try to contact him.  I don't frequent the Inkscape IRC much, but I think he might?  Or else I've seen him on the mailing list (which I know is a big pain to subscribe for one issue).  I wonder if his website gives an email address, or other way to contact him?

Oh, did you see the link at the very top of that page?  "New post with updated info here"  It looks like it gives info for 0.91.  And it looks like comments are still open on that page too.  So maybe you could contact that way?

Of course one option for you would be to actually install one of those older versions!  As long as you download zip packages, you can have as many different versions as you want, on Windows.  Personally, I wouldn't hesitate about that, and especially if some features really have been removed.  (I don't know if they have, but if.)

Gosh, it seems odd that the machine allows the paper to drift.  That must wreak havoc with measurements?
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November 18, 2018, 08:59:02 PM
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I saw the link for the updated post just after I replied and asked him there.  I think it's still awaiting approval, but hopefully he see's it soon!

Ha Ha, sorry I guess I did write that poorly.  The machine does not allow drift, but human error fails to get the paper perfectly aligned so over the course of a long run, the paper begins to edge its way left or right.  If I cut exactly at the 0,0 coordinate then if it edges too far left it would come off the roller completely.  I'm getting better at it... but I still like to have the margin of error option available :)
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November 19, 2018, 08:34:02 PM
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But still, it seems odd that the machine leaves it up to the human, to make the paper perfectly straight.  I'm just thinking of photocopy machines, where it give you an edge to line up the paper.  I'll bet an old fashioned T square would help.  Although I guess they don't sell them anymore.....probably they aren't even made anymore, I guess.

Well anyway, I understand why you need the margin.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
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