
Author Topic: Create SVG file for Explaindio?  (Read 1040 times)

February 27, 2018, 05:13:18 AM
Read 1040 times


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Hi - is there any way I can do this? So far I have been able to create a simple SVG file in Inkscape and bring it in to Explaindio, but as with all the other externally created SVG files I have tried with that software the image just  sits there rahter than being 'sketched' by the magic whiteboard hand (if that makes any sense to anyone....). Can anyone help? I am really trying to create simple shape and colour images inside Inkscape itself rather than modifying an imported photo / jpg 9though that, too wd be interesting)...Any help much appreciated!
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February 27, 2018, 07:02:00 AM
Reply #1


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Welcome to the forum!

After spending a good 20 minutes looking at their huge front page, and and also their Support page, trying to find what formats are accepted as imports, I was not successful.  (did not watch videos due to they have somehow managed to removed the progress indicator for the video, which shows how long it is)  I would suggest that you do the research to find out what formats that program will accept.  We have no way of knowing that.

If you can show us some info from that program or its website which says that it's supposed to accept SVG files, then we'll talk more  :)
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