
Author Topic: Laser engraver errors extentions  (Read 7749 times)

March 05, 2017, 10:28:30 AM
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Hi everyone,

First, thank you to welcome in your forum. I was reading a lot of your forum, but didn`t find out the troubleshoot for my error

i bought a year ago, a NEJE Desktop laser working with GRBL. I was using the laser extension on Inkscape 0.48, then upgraded to Inkscape 0.91.

The extensions worked great, then I installed the Egg hatch package in the same folder extension.

Talking about extensions:
-305 engineering

All steps I already did without success:

-Error message appears line 3080 in Python, I corrected the index line, still not work. I installed a Python console.
-Uninstall and reinstall Inkscape, tried the 0.92 version
-Did a windows restoration point 3 days before the issue
-Reinstalled Inkscape

Here all list of errors from different extensions

J tech Photonic
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 3173, in <module>


  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 268, in affect


  File "", line 3170, in effect


  File "", line 3048, in laser

    csp = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(path.get("d"))

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 163, in parsePath

    return CubicSuperPath(simplepath.parsePath(d))

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 150, in CubicSuperPath


IndexError: list index out of range

Horizontal G code tool
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 3253, in <module>


  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 268, in affect


  File "", line 3250, in effect


  File "", line 3128, in laser

    csp = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(path.get("d"))

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 163, in parsePath

    return CubicSuperPath(simplepath.parsePath(d))

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 150, in CubicSuperPath


IndexError: list index out of range


  File "", line 92

SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe7' in file on line 93, but no encoding declared; see for details

Laser engraver
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 3188, in <module>


  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 268, in affect


  File "", line 3156, in effect

    self.orientation( self.layers[min(0,len(self.layers)-1)] )       

  File "", line 3080, in orientation

    doc_height = inkex.unittouu(self.document.getroot().get('height'))

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'unittouu'

I think my share extensions file should be a mess, maybe I have file corrupted.

I am out of solution, any hints to time spent would be really appreciated.

Thank you

March 07, 2017, 10:55:49 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

Because of changes made to Inkscape, as it's developed more and more, a LOT of extensions have needed to be re-written, between version 0.48.x and 0.91.  And now, the current stable version of Inkscape is 0.92.1!

So the first thing that I would suggest is to download fresh and current copies of all those extensions which you need.  If you just recently (within the last few weeks) downloaded EggBot, it probably already contains the fixes.

If you think your extensions folder might be corrupt, maybe you should start a new one, and put all the upgraded extensions in it?  Although if that was the cause for your problems, you probably would not have even gotten those Traceback error messages.  So it's probably ok.  I tend like law and order in my folders, so I would probably clean it up anyway.

We probably can't help much with the J Tech extension, since it probably doesn't have an "open" license.  I don't know for a fact, but probably not.  And I seem to recall another recent message about it not being up to date.  I think I suggested the user contact them, but don't recall seeing any updates about it.  But I'll keep my fingers crossed   :xf1:

Let us know how it goes after you have upgraded both Inkscape, and all your extensions.  There are some extensions (that aren't packed with Inkscape) which still haven't been upgraded, and may never be.  In that case, there probably is a new extension somewhere, which provides the same features.  We can probably help you, if you have trouble finding them   :det:
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March 08, 2017, 02:04:01 PM
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Thanks brynn

I also tried with 0.92 without success, but I will retry it has been 3 weeks now. I contacted the developer of Laser engraver extension via GitHub.

Thanks for your time for the reply

I an back to you shortly

March 19, 2017, 09:12:59 AM
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So I tried

installed inkscape 0.92 from last week. still the same error.

All my laser extensions has been downloaded from Github, I tried to get the last version all the time. without success.

I think they maybe something who execute python wrongly? maybe?

Open to any other suggestions.

Thank you

March 19, 2017, 02:27:38 PM
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Hhmm, sorry to hear that....  :(

There's a chance there are some new extensions to take the place of these that don't work.  But I don't know what they are.

I think the best thing to do, is to start a new Issue in the github account for each extension.  There will be a link to Issues on the main page, and then on that page there should be a link to start a new Issue.  Include the traceback from using the most current extension, and also include your Inkscape version and operating system.  Maybe something about the cutter hardware, if you think it would be relevant.

If there is a new extension to take the place of these, the author will probably tell you by answering the new Issue you post.

I would offer to post the Issues for you, but I wouldn't be able to answer any questions the author might have, about your experience.

But if you wouldn't mind giving us a link to the extensions too?  I'd like to follow the issues myself, so I can learn what the problem is.

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March 20, 2017, 05:12:18 PM
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so i still have the same issue, I removed my python console

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3188, in <module>
  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 283, in affect
  File "", line 3156, in effect
    self.orientation( self.layers[min(0,len(self.layers)-1)] )       
  File "", line 3086, in orientation
    print_("Document height: " + str(doc_height));
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'doc_height' referenced before assignment

the author on github

I contacted him by email and post a comment on it. still nothing  :b1: :b1:

March 21, 2017, 04:26:49 AM
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Hhm ok.  So based on your earlier comments, it looks like that is the author for 2 of the extensions which aren't working - LaserEngraver and SVG2Gcode.  Right?

I see that someone else posted an Issue for the laser engraver this past Feb. (which doesn't appear to have been answered).  Based on what I see there (not much recent activity by the author) I would suggest that you try out some other Inkscape extensions.  From what I can tell, Inkscape has other extensions which probably do the same thing, or at least close enough that it seems like they might work for you.

I'm not fluent enough to refer you to the specific extensions, but I certainly would look into Extensions menu > Gcodetools.  Just looking at the names of them, it seems like they might work for you.

Hhmm.  I was about to make the comment that each of those extension dialogs has a Help tab which explains what each one does.  But it appears they all have the exact same text on the Help tab.  This is clearly a bug, because I'm sure they don't all do the same thing!  (

Anyway, do a little research.  Maybe contact that Russian forum?  Unless you can find someone who can fix the extensions you were using before, that seems like your next best chance to get back in business.

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March 21, 2017, 06:32:35 PM
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Thanks for your time.

I tried  the G code, no problem running but after the problem is GRBL who only sees a vague shape  :???: i tried other extensions ( on my first post), the extension worked fine, until i installed egg bott extension, something changed maybe on my windows environment? ( i did a restoration point when all was working.

could be a dfx files? or something like this  :help2:

March 23, 2017, 02:00:46 AM
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Hhm, well this is where I'm lost.  I don't have any kind of cutter, and it's been nearly impossible to learn much about how those gcodetools extensions work.  We get questions all the time from people trying to use them, who need help, and there's little to nothing we can do.  I think people may be afraid to use the Russian forum.  Or maybe they're put off by that Russian forum really being a (40 + page, the last time I looked) single topic, making it nearly impossible for people to find topics like their own problem.  And the people who wrote the extensions don't participate in other forums. 

What is the process you use, or your workflow?  After you finish drawing the image in Inkscape, what do you do next?  List the steps you take.

What is GRBL?  Oh, I found.  It's software used in CNC process.

Yes, I remember you said after you installed EggBot, the other extensions stopped working.  I don't think having EggBot installed would mess up your extensions folder.  If it had broken the other extensions, I don't think they would have produced the Tracebacks.

But, just following that theory to its end -- Have you tried uninstalling the EggBot extension?  I think uninstalling would just mean deleting them.  Or at least move them to another folder where Inskcape can't find (so you don't have to download again later).

If "uninstalling" fixes the problem, then I might guess that there must be one or more options in the Eggbot extension that you didn't have set right.  Or maybe that one EggBot extension needs another one to work with it?

I don't follow what you mean about DXF files.  What is your suspicion for DXF?
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April 29, 2017, 04:33:40 PM
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Thanks sorry for the delay, I had other priorities  :duh:
Yes I uninstall the Egg bott extension with the same result: fail

the dxf file, are files who seems to come with the extensions, some are more recent some older.

I don't know if it is impact the rest of the extensions or not.

Thank you

May 01, 2017, 01:29:29 PM
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No worries, we understand about priorities  :)

I don't follow what you mean about DXF files.  What is your suspicion for DXF?
the dxf file, are files who seems to come with the extensions, some are more recent some older.

I don't know if it is impact the rest of the extensions or not.

I still don't know what you mean. 

I looked at both the Laser Engraver and SVG2Gcode extensions, and neither one of those contains any DXF files.

Oh, you mean dxfinput.inx and  I see those in both the Laser Engraver and J Tech Phonics extensions.  (I can't seem to find anything called "Horizontal Gcode Tool" anywhere.  It's probably outdated, and newer extensions will do what it does, by now.  Since it can't be downloaded at all anymore, there's probably no chance of getting it fixed.)

Well first, they aren't DXF files.  They are INX and PY files.  And just because they are named with the same names, in the 2 different extensions doesn't mean they are necessarily the same thing.  They could be 2 different files, made by 2 different authors, and the authors happened to use the same name for them.

However in this case, when I open the files in a text editor, they appear to be absolutely identical!  And they all refer to the same autoCAD version 13.  So there's no worry about them being too old, or not compatible to each other.  The dates you mentioned, if I understand which dates you mean, are related to the date when the extension was either built or released. 

But the biggest reason I wouldn't worry about them, is because none of those files are mentioned in the error messages.  It's those files mentioned in the error messages which are causing the problems.

As I've said from the beginning, I think your best chance is to either contact the authors of the extensions, report the error messages, and ask them for a fix; or find more current extensions which do the same thing, which already are working properly.  Since there's probably no chance of getting that Horizontal Tool fixed, you probably should consider using more current extensions.

I've recently learned, by trial and error, and a couple of (horrendous) tutorials, how to use gcode tools extensions and output gcode (and a log file).  If your machines can use gcode, I can show you how I did it.  Although keeping in mind that I have no machines to actually cut something.  But just getting a gcode file should indicate at least partial success.

Well, either that, or revert to Inkscape version 0.48.x or 0.49, or whatever version works with those extensions.
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