Author Topic: Paraxial tool/fixed angle question  (Read 2823 times)

June 30, 2016, 07:46:05 AM
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So I'm wondering: is there a way to change preferences for the pen tools?  I'm hoping I can find a way to draw fixed angles of other measures-- like any variation on 45 degree angles instead of the 90 degrees the paraxial tool is bound to.

June 30, 2016, 01:54:07 PM
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Probably it wouldn't be hard to add such a setting to the tool, may worth a feature request at the bug tracker.

Depending on your workflow you can use other things like setting up an axonometric grid in the document's properties (Shift+Ctrl+D) and draw straight line segments with snapping enabled.
Or if you are after a way to draw by angles and distances typed in, you can use rectangles as guides. After rotation with the rectangle tool they can be altered by their W and H.

Another thing would be rotating/skewing the path drawn in paraxial mode.

June 30, 2016, 04:41:40 PM
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Ahh, using the grid is working out well enough.  Thank you!

June 30, 2016, 05:52:49 PM
Reply #3


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The Ctrl key might be very handy, if you didn't want to use a grid.  By default, holding the Ctrl key while drawing the Pen/Bezier tool, will make angles in 15° increments.  And I'm pretty sure you can change that to something besides 15°.  Let's see....

Yes, Inkscape Preferences > Behavior > Steps > Rotation snaps every.....degrees.  It has a dropdown menu with many options, and I'm pretty sure you can type any number in there that you want.

Have fun!
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