Development seems to migrate towards gitlab, which also holds community features. Probably building there would work best on the long run.
The resources board sounds good but it's way beyond our technical limits I'm afraid.
Openclipart was supposed to be the resources board from the start. Although it is watered down from that perspective now, only editor's pick would prevent that from happening elsewhere.
So, how to handle these resources. I can hardly track my own filters&files locally.
There are 471 images in my
filter pack collection. Most containing 16 filters, with 6 megapacks. In total that's more than 16300 filters.
Also, it's likely I'm pulling in a filter from a previous drawing with a bit of further adjustments -"fine tuning"- instead of a pack (that I cannot find).
1st problem: there is no way to save a filter with separate setting instances with the same filter chain link.
That alone would cut the number by 16...
2nd problem: there is no visual reference of a filter. Built in filters listed are also useless in that manner, all of them are just a blind guess.
Then again, the current filter editor registers everything as definitions and there is no organising whatsoever.
For instance, you have a drawing with alot of blurring and/or blending modes going on but you'd need one specific filter extracted.
You need to go over them one by one.
3rd problem: there is no drag&drop append feature -with customized preview-, not even a single append feature.
What would that be?
In blender you can append files -import only parts of preexisting blend files (blender's default documents). That way you don't need to load in a model with countless faces just to copy/paste a material shader.
So in inkscape that would mean appending other svg-s, then a prompt would appear to select the svg elements of choice -speaking of resources, that would mean the custom filters/markers/gradients/dasharrays/symbols etc.
Imagine you trying to append your custom filter from that image with alot of blurring. It just wouldn't make sense if you didn't add an explicit tag/id to your filter -you better have a visual reference. Then again, showing hundreds of blurring definitions on a custom object?
No way. Even worse with blending filters. Those should be listed outside custom filters that could be appended.
Same goes with patterns. Guess hardly anyone name their patterns in the svg -I didn't either in that latest
pattern pack.
Not mentioning copy/pasting creates new definitions and the old gradient bug of creating thousands of unused definitions...
Frankly the cleanup document option is largely unused for some reason.
a repository of resources would require *quick visual references*.
While browsing through an online database, while viewing files locally and by installing in inkscape.
Currently none of those exist.
Handling fonts would be similar however inkscape can't even update those while running =can't use a freshly installed font. Which shouldn't be as much of programming paradox as using live svg fonts.
Also using an svg host where you need to upload a separate raster image as a thumbnail is a huge burden and pointless (as if svg wasn't developed for web usage).