Welcome lobopk2!
Yes, I understand that it can be tricky sometimes, with google translate. But with patience, we usually do ok
Just to make sure I understand, I'll repeat your question. You want more white dots in the pattern, correct?
Yes you can do that.
1 - Select the object which has the pattern (not the solid black object behind the pattern).
2 - Switch to the Node tool
3 - Look at the top, left corner of the page border (the black rectangular line).
4 - There, you will see 3 tiny handles - an X, a square and a circle. ** These are the control handles for the pattern.
5 - First grab the X handle and drag it closer to the object. That will make it easier to see what happens to the pattern when you move the handles.
6 - The square handle adjusts the size of the dots. Hold Ctrl key while you drag, to keep the dots in proper proportion.
7 - The circle handle allows you to rotate the pattern.
**I just installed the newest version of Inkscape, released earlier today. I could not see the handles until I opened the Fill and Stroke dialog (Object menu). In older versions, it was not necessary to have that dialog open. So if you're using the brand new version 0.48.5, and you can't find the handles, open Object menu > Fill and Stroke, and they will show up.
The Inkscape manual is available in English, Spanish, French, and a couple of older versions in Italian and Dutch.
http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/. In case you can find one you can use, here is the part about patterns:
http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/Attributes-Fill-Stroke.html#Attributes-PatternsLet us know if this solves your problem, or if you have any more questions. If you can't get the pattern just right, there is a way to make custom pattern. And we can tell you how to do that too