Welcome to the forum!
First, if you think you might have a virus or other malware, your first step is to make sure you have a clean computer. First make sure you have adequate security on your computer. If you already do, then run every scan you have, and run the deepest scans - not just quick scans, but run deep scans. If you're all clean, we can go ahead with Inkscape problems. If you're not all clean, I might be able to refer you to a good security forum, where professionals can guide you in cleaning your computer. It's been while since I was involved in security forums, but I could probably find one or 2 now.
Are you seeing problems with other programs? Or other parts of your computer? Or just Inkscape?
You can find your Inkscape version in a couple of ways. The best way is Help menu > About Inkscape. Depending which version you have, the version number is either in the middle of that small window, or in the top-right corner. Or if you kept the download file (MSI, EXE or 7Z), the name of the file is usually the version.
For Inkscape, the sympton of lagging or slowness often indicates a resources problem, primarily RAM. The file you're working on needs more RAM than your computer can provide. Maybe your computer doesn't have enough RAM, or more likely, the file is too large. How much RAM do you have?
Normally we would ask you to share the file, and we can tell you what kind of problems it has. But if you're worried about malware on your computer, I hesitate to ask you to share the file, until you're sure your computer is clean. I'm sure you would not want to spread a virus, any more than we would want to risk being infected.
But if you're sure your computer is clean, you're welcome to attach the file here, or upload it wherever you like, and give us the link to it.