Author Topic: Standardization/scaling of excel figure using inkscape  (Read 2198 times)

August 18, 2016, 06:41:07 AM
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Greetings to all,

I am writing an academic report using word document. I am using excel plots/figures which I import as a picture (as shown when printed) using excel 2016 into word document. I have different number of figures in a column e.g. single plot, two (sometimes three) plots together in a column. The problem is when I paste it in word document, the font size differs in all those variants. I would like to have almost same font size in all above mentioned variants.
In order to have a standardized figure, I am looking for a solution and I came across inkscape.
My question to experts would be,
would it be possible to have a standardization of all such plots using Inkscape?? Also, if I could retain or improve the quality of edited figure by saving as 300dpi file.
Perhaps I could import png/jpg file using powerpoint and edit in inkscape for standardization.
It would be real help, if someone can guide me for such issue.
Thanking you in advanced.

Kind regards,

August 18, 2016, 08:41:31 AM
Reply #1


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Word can use cliparts in wmf format, and you can save your plots in wmf in inkscape -so theoretically you can embed vector files in your documents.
However maintaining the same text styles with word I have no idea. For a webpage-viewed by browsers you can take advantage of css theoretically.

Personally speaking I haven't tried to doing these.

August 18, 2016, 04:55:16 PM
Reply #2


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Welcome Rocky!

I haven't used excel, powerpoint or tried to use with Word either.  But I have heard of people having problems importing from Excel into Inkscape.  I don't remember specifically what the problems were though.

There are some math type of programs that people have used successfully with Inkscape, although I can't think of their names at the moment.  And there used to be some nice extensions (LaTex and TexText) which no longer work with the current version of Inkscape.  (These would be used to write math formulas.)  You could use the previous Inkscape version, and make use of those, for a one or two time basis (although for long term, it's probably better to stay with the current version).  But I don't think they would be called "plots".  There are some extensions for making charts, but that's probably not what you need either.

Oh, and there's Extensions menu > Render > Function Plotter and in the same submenu > Parametric Curves.  In both of those, you can enter the math formulas, and Inkscape will draw out the line/curve.  This is what I think of, when I think of "plots".

I probably can't be much help, but it might help those who have the right knowledge, to know more clearly what you want to do.  I'm trying to imagine "plots" in "columns" and coming up with something that seems odd.  It seems to me like the answer would be to import the plots, and use Word or Inkscape to type the text.  Then you have full control over the text.  But there's a good chance I'm not seeing the problem correctly.

Could you show us examples?  Once we understand clearly what you're doing, we can guide you more effectively  :)
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