Author Topic: bitmap import using DPI "from file" not working correctly  (Read 381 times)

March 21, 2019, 01:53:53 PM
Read 381 times


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I'm a beginner with Inkscape and have run into a problem.  I have a bitmap (bmp) that is 600 DPI and 5.53 x 7.017" in size.  (confirmed with Irfanview and Photoshop). However, if I import the image with Inkscape and select DPI "from file", the imported image is 14.047x17.824 inches.

If I instead select "default import resolution" and go into the Inkscape preferences and manually set the import resolution to 600 dpi, the image loads at the proper scale.

I've tried this for other DPI's as well and each time the DPI "from file" setting results in an imported image that is 2.54 times larger than it should be.

It seems like this is some kind of inches/cm conversion problem. It occurs if I open the BMP as a new document (File->Open) if I import the bmp into an existing document that is already set to inches (File->Import).

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
  • 0.92.4
  • Windows 10

March 21, 2019, 03:07:38 PM
Reply #1


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    • VektorRascheln
2.54 is inch : mm, yes. I agree, this sounds like it could be a bug (needs to be confirmed through example files, though). You can report it here: .

I'm not clear on the 'if ... existing document' part. I think there's a word missing somewhere...? Just make sure you express that clearly on the bug report.