
Author Topic: Extensions in Windows 10 App  (Read 1473 times)

June 18, 2018, 02:35:02 PM
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I use Inkscape for work, and thought that I could save time by using the Windows App and Windows would help me sync my preferences and extensions for my separate laptops.
This seems to be a mistake.
User extensions do not seem to load whatsoever.  In fact, Inkscape didn't even make the inkscape folder in the ...AppData\Roaming  My preferences seem to saving.  Somewhere, but not seemingly where it says it is.
Then, if i try to add or change anything to the Inkscape folder, Windows Apps folders are locked down by the system so users can't write to them.

I can't seriously be the only person that has tried this.  Do I just need to totally uninstall the Windows app and go with the standard executable?
  • .92.3 Windows App
  • Windows 10 Pro 1803

June 18, 2018, 03:41:07 PM
Reply #1


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Welcome to the forum!

As far as I can understand your message, you downloaded Inkscape from the Windows Store?  Inkscape is not a Windows App.  It's a standalone program which has been provided to the Windows Store (for some reason which I don't really understand - convenience maybe).

What was it specifically that you did, which you thought would sync your preferences  and extensions on all your other computers?  As far as I know, there's no way to do that.  As far as I know, each Inkscape installation needs to be configured individually.

It should be possible to copy the preferences.xml file from on computer, and paste it into all the others.  And you should also be able to do the same thing with the extensions folder.  (And other resources too - filters, palettes, etc.)

But if you add a new extension to one computer, you would have to copy/paste the extensions folder into all the other computers, again.  There's no way to connect the Inkscape program installed on one computer, to Inkscape installed on other computers.

If Windows 10 provides such a feature as syncing different Windows computers, it probably is restricted only to Windows apps.  And Inkscape has no association with MS or Windows.  It's a standalone program.

As for the malfunctioning you've experienced, I would say undo whatever it was you did.  If that doesn't fix Inkscape, then I would uninstall Inkscape, and then reinstall it.  But this time, don't try to sync Inkscape with other computers.  You should still be able to get it from the Windows Store, but just don't try to sync it.

(I don't know if there is any kind of warning about this, in the Windows Store.  But maybe there should be, if it causes the kind of problems you mentioned?)
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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June 19, 2018, 02:17:56 PM
Reply #2


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Yes, if you notice restrictions in the version from the app store, and have a choice which executable you can install (i.e. you're not on the school version of Windows), better just use the real program. If you notice something that doesn't work for the app version, but works for other programs that come as apps, it might be worth it to make a feature request on the inkscape bug tracker on launchpad at .