Sigh. @Moini, have you seen my initial post, #9 ^??? Yes, I KNEW of Homebrew for 0.92… —SEE the links I provided in that-initial-post, as to WHICH videos I followed, to install 0.92. via Homebrew… TWICE. As well as Macports… *before* coming here for help.
With Homebrew, 0.92 on FIRST attempt, DID install but was not “stable”, nor was it for OTHERS, evidently. Please READ what YOU sent me… —> The SECOND installation via Homebrew, I followed a video called: “Install Inkscape 0.92 on Mac OS with Homebrew (Latest)” by Souris. —>
(see this link above). Again, Homebrew evidently made some change, so now will ONLY install 0.91… I suspect because the 0.92 was not stable, but IDK, for sure. And a ‘Tim Sheridan’ also states this fact regarding Homebrew ONLY installing 0.91 in the link for “SourceForge” --that you sent!
The VERY problems that are CLEARLY listed by a ‘Windell H. Oskay’ in the “SourceForge” link YOU just provided on using HOMEBREW, are the SAME problems I found upon my initial install of 0.92 using Homebrew, & I mentioned those —above, again #9!
Please understand I was looking for help to install ONLY 0.92., I can install 0.91 via a .dmg. And I’m here seeking help with “Terminal” Install because my Terminal stated: “If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.” To Inkscape, not to Macports, not to Homebrew & so I have, —just to clarify. (As you can see in the first line of my post above.)
C l e a r l y you wish NOT to be bothered with this SUPPORT for non-developer Mac users… obviously, as you so quickly hurry to ship me off to everyone else (Macport/Homebrew, regardless of what my Terminal Crash requested me to do) yet you don’t actually take time, to READ my quite detailed initial note, NOR the problems of the Homebrew installations… as in the “SourceForge” thread, YOU JUST SENT…
With that, once again neither Macports NOR Homebrew brought me success in the installation of Inkscape 0.92. And as far as I can see, via searches online, I am not the only Mac user having problems installing 0.92 with BOTH Macports & Homebrew. OF COURSE I, sans programmer/developer knowledge or language skills, could easily be making mistakes in this process, however I find it amazing that we have many similar issues; —compare my problems in my initial post to the problems in the link for SourceForge, that YOU sent (again, I’m no programmer) & they seem incredibly close to being the SAME problems.
So rather than send me off in circles, may I please ask that you actually take time, to read my posts —fully, before responding with the SAME steps I've done & have already stated as to NOT having worked for me?!!!
@Brynn, THANK YOU kindly for your support, that you would do whatever you can to help a NON-Programmer, Non-Developer Mac User install Inkscape, is VERY much appreciated!! More than you know! I also think it’s important to reiterate that MANY Mac users who would be interested in Inkscape, likely may NOT have the skills to decipher Programmer/Developer tech-speak, like myself & as I said I’ve used a Mac for some 27/28ish years.
I also saw in the thread from “SourceForge” that today (1/31) a ‘Kirk Slowe’ requested access to the source code so he can start working on creating a native Mac installer for 0.92. YEA! That would be incredible, my thanks also go out to him for that effort!! Fingers crossed, I will check back to hopefully see that 0.92 .dmg!!