Author Topic: Inkscape is crashing  (Read 2451 times)

August 06, 2016, 08:33:42 AM
Read 2451 times


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I just discovered and started using Inkscape today. I opened one .ai file...made a small change it it and saved it. Everything worked fine.

Then I tried my second file and when I open crashes the program all together.

Here's a screencam video of what happens. I'm not sure what to check.

Thank you every one!! Looking forward to using this software and saving myself $75 Canadian a month from Adobe. :)

August 07, 2016, 03:43:42 AM
Reply #1


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Welcome to Inkscape Community!

Since I'm not familiar with Mac systems, it's a little hard to follow your video.  After you select the file in your file manager, and click to open, then you should see Inkscape open with that file.  I don't understand the part where you go to the menu at the top of your screen.

Would you be able to share the 2 AI files with us -- one that opens and one that won't open?  Then we can investigate on our own systems.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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