Hey everyone, I've been using Inkscape since 2012 and this is the first time i've had to post on here for an issue I have, so I guess that's a decent track record!
However, I come to you guys with one mighty problem! Some recent work I did on inkscape fails to export as an SVG at the correct size and when I import to Signcut the sizing is wrong. If I export as a PDF it imports to Signcut at the correct sizing.
Now I ran some tests and there seems to be an issue with some elements of the design which are 'corrupting' the save, because if I create a fresh document with a plan square at 100mm x 100mm, save it as SVG and open in Signcut, the size is correct. However, If I important the design to this new document, save, import...now the size of the 100mm box is larger too!
This happened on version 0.91 and happens after an update to 0.92.2, so this wasn't specific to the new user unit/96dpi nightmare that is 0.92.
Any help would be great!