
Author Topic: does the different text styles change the file size?  (Read 400 times)

January 08, 2019, 08:57:04 PM
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    I a newbie to Inkscape
I was wondering if the different font styles will change the file size and if it does do you know which one take up the lease?

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January 08, 2019, 10:58:23 PM
Reply #1


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As long as the text is not converted to paths it holds as much difference between fonts as their name suggests. Technically the same data is stored for each text object while a font with a loooonger text name can hold up more data. Difference is not significant uless you have 10000+ text objects which is quite unlikely.

Besides the file size is not always the reason for performance issues. There are some extra detailed fonts that render slower (like veneer for example).

January 10, 2019, 12:26:53 PM
Reply #2


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Fonts are not embedded in the SVG file. The file just contains their name. They must be installed on the computer that opens the SVG file. If they are not, the image will look differently, because a fallback font will be used.

January 10, 2019, 04:04:03 PM
Reply #3


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I seem to recall that the place where you are uploading your images has a quite small file size limit.  If you'd like us to look at a file, to find places where you can reduce the size, please share the SVG file.

Assuming the image which is the source of this problem, is to be uploaded to this site, you will definitely want to convert the text to path.  Otherwise, as Moini said, if people who either view or download the image don't have that font installed, they won't see that font.  They will see whatever font their computer decides to substitute.  It might look quite the same, or it might be noticably different.
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