Author Topic: How do you know the size of an object?  (Read 344 times)

June 25, 2019, 06:43:22 PM
Read 344 times

Bad Hair Day

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I'm not a CAD user, but measuring is something I know a lot about. 

I don't see a way to click on an object and then look in a place (first place I tried was "object properties") to see the measurements of that object.  Flamingo told me that the hex is 0.997cm high, not exactly 1.0.  I don't see a way to look this up.  When I use the measuring tool (pictograph of a measuring tape), I do get a precise answer.  However, it will change by a couple hundredths depending on the zoom level I am at.  So if I am trying to tell the difference between 1.000 and 0.997 using the "measuring tape", it's frustrating that I get a different answer at different zoom levels.  But while I was just messing with the tape, I also noticed that it gives me the angle measurement from horizontal, as well.  It's not right at 0.000 degrees.  I tried setting it up to "snap to grid" but at this red hot minute that isn't working.  I will come back to this later tonight. 

But for now:  How do I look up the properties of an object so I can see it's length, width, and angles? (without using the measuring tape tool).  I looked under every icon and menu bar.  I assume I'm just missing it. 

Grateful For Your Help,

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June 25, 2019, 07:32:34 PM
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In the other thread where I posted the testhex file I mentioned that you need to click on a node to get your nodes in line, by using the X and Y, (in node tool), but -in select mode, ensure your screen is full screen or really wide, just click on the hex - and look at W and H - (width and height).  Set the little box beside it to be inches, mm, etc. You can transform the objects size by typing in a number in those boxes.
The 'thing' about inkscape is that it can chg size because it somehow does a formula for the stroke - drives me insane sometimes.

June 25, 2019, 10:35:08 PM
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I showed you how to see the size in the video I made for you, in the other topic.
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June 25, 2019, 11:55:51 PM
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Bad Hair Day

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I took my notes first then I'm watching the video. I'm only watching it just now.  Thank you so much for the video, Brynn.  Very kind and helpful of you! 


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June 26, 2019, 12:09:42 AM
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You're welcome.

I just made you another one, in the message about vocabulary.  It shows what to do from start to almost finish.  I only showed making one set of 7 hexes. 

Rats....I should have showed grouping as well....I'll add a note over in that topic.
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