Author Topic: Document Property Defaults not saving  (Read 409 times)

February 11, 2019, 09:20:40 AM
Read 409 times


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I have successfully saved some Document Property defaults in the defaults.svg file.
However, when I attempt to edit the defaults and save again, I get this error message (see screenshot).
It does first ask me if I want to replace the existing file --> yes.
I am running as Administrator.

Can you please advice?
  • 0.92.4
  • Windows 10

February 11, 2019, 10:57:33 PM
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I'm not sure why it won't let you save it.  Perhaps it's a new feature in 0.92.4.  I wonder that because that's not the best place to save a custom template.  Maybe the developers finally disallowed it?  But here's a better way.

First look in Inkscape Preferences > System > User config.  Note that file path, and then browse there with your file manager.  If you see a templates folder, that's where you need to save default.svg.  If there is a templates folder there, it's probably empty, and that's ok.   Just put default.svg in it.  If there's not already a templates folder, you can make one.

Doing it this way, you don't overwrite the default, so that if you ever need to get it back again, you can.

If you still have trouble saving it in the proper place, we'll have to ask some further questions.  For example, you didn't edit code did you?  You just changed the canvas how you want it, right?  If you went into the code, it's possible something got messed up?
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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February 12, 2019, 08:32:40 AM
Reply #2


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Thank you.  This works great!

I was saving it the way it instructed on all of the info on the web.  I finally got it to work, albeit with some frustration.

I am going to save it as you described.  It is much easier and safer.

Thank you for all of your help to date.
  • 0.92.4
  • Windows 10

February 12, 2019, 02:42:28 PM
Reply #3


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We try to get the word out, about the user directory being a better place to save the templates (or extensions, or whatever).  But the internet is a big place, and we can't contact everyone who is putting out tutorials.

No problem, we're happy to help!  You're welcome  :)
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann