Author Topic: How to create/use Brand Design templates in Inkspace?  (Read 1856 times)

July 18, 2018, 07:18:18 AM
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I am really new to Inkspace. My curisosity is if Inkspace can be used to create Brand design templates like these - Or even better use readily available templates created in psd/eps/ai etc.

I tried opening a .eps file and it wouldn't. Hence looking for suggestions.

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July 18, 2018, 07:56:12 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

Yes, Inkscape can be used like that.  Here's a tutorial for making custom templates:

Also, you can open EPS files with Inkscape, but you need to install and extra program.  Here's info:
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July 18, 2018, 11:39:44 PM
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Welcome to the forum!

Yes, Inkscape can be used like that.  Here's a tutorial for making custom templates:

Also, you can open EPS files with Inkscape, but you need to install and extra program.  Here's info:

Thank you Brynn. I followed the steps and can now open Eps files.

I am similary trying to open PSD files. I have used the extension - File--> Open gives me the option to open a PSD file and opens the file too. But it is blank, see image in attachment.

The file I am trying to open is

Need suggestion for the same.

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July 20, 2018, 07:53:27 AM
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Hhmm, well it could be there's a bug with that extension.

Ok, I installed the same extension (although very tricky to find it - there's no actual extension dialog, you just use the Open menu and open it like nothing ever happened  :@@: ).  And then downloaded the huge file.  Finally, try to open it, and I got a Traceback error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 29, in <module>
    from psd_import.psdreader import PSDReader
ImportError: No module named psd_import.psdreader

I don't really understand those traceback errors, but it seems to indicate that at least one problem is that it's lacking a particular module - I assume python module.  Whatever else might be wrong, I can't decipher.

However, at the bottom of the page where we downloaded the extension, is a link to contact the author.  So I would suggest contacting him.  I don't know why you didn't get the traceback error, in your attempt, but you can use the one I posted, when you contact him.

Oh wait!  As I read that page more closely, it says that raster images are ignored.  And as far as I can tell, that raster image (mostly b/w) might be all that's in the PSD file.  But it's hard to say, really.

But since there is a traceback error, then I would still probably contact the author and discuss it.

Well, not unless the JPG version of the image, which is included in the huge zip file, will work just as well for you?
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July 20, 2018, 10:44:36 PM
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Brynn appreciate the effort and information from your end.

Well I have already written to the author, been a couple of days. Waiting to hear back from him. In the meantime will also update this trace.

The effort is to be able to open most PSD files, because that is the format most templates are available in.

Any other extensions which help open PSDs?


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July 21, 2018, 09:31:03 PM
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No, I don't know of any other way to open PSD files with Inkscape.

PSD is the native PhotoShop format, isn't it?  I've never looked it up, but I guess PhotoShop is probably fairly expensive?  Since I assume PS primarily handles photos or raster images, I wonder  if GIMP might be able to help?  I have no idea if GIMP can open PSD, but it might be worth looking into.  GIMP is an open source raster editor.  It has some rudimentary vector features too.  So maybe?
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July 21, 2018, 10:46:03 PM
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Well GIMP does open PSD's in general, although most of the time the colour profile is an issue. But that's expected with PSD being a proprietary format. I have tried it with GIMP, hence I wanted to try using it with Inkspace and see what I can do more.

An interesting thought though is there are branding, web design, etc templates available in PSDs/EPS/AI etc. arent there any of them readily available in Inkspace or GIMP native formats?
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July 21, 2018, 11:49:37 PM
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You might find Inkscape has color profile issues too.  It does not have native CYMK support, for example.

You probably would not find templates in GIMP's native format (which is not popping into my head, at the moment) because it's unique to GIMP (as far as I know).  But Inkscape's native format, SVG, is a relatively common vector format.  So I guess it's possible there might be templates in the SVG format.

But I don't really know what your project is about, or where you get the templates.  And even if I did, I'm probably not familiar with it.  So I probably don't have much advice to share  :(

But I guess if you're purchasing the templates, you could request SVG?
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July 21, 2018, 11:56:00 PM
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The EPS extension itself was big help  :2tu:

I will surely look for SVG templates as well.

Thanks a ton
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July 22, 2018, 07:37:33 AM
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Btw. it's Ink*scape*, not Inkspace. Inkspace is a different program ;-)

July 22, 2018, 10:34:27 AM
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Hah!  I didn't know there was actually a program called Inkspace.....  Hhmm, when I search, I get mostly Inkscape results.  The only Inkspace results looks like an app for Wacom tablets....maybe something like the interface?  Oh, and it's also what the Inkscape website calls individual members' personal galleries - InkSpaces.

Anyway, it's an easy typo to make.  I imagine it's nightmare for people who struggle with dyslexia.
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July 22, 2018, 01:13:37 PM
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Yeah, it is that app. The Inkscape board has worried a bit about it being so similar, but they didn't take any action.

August 07, 2018, 08:50:15 AM
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Btw. it's Ink*scape*, not Inkspace. Inkspace is a different program ;-)

  :b1: I have been conveniently spelling as well as saying it otherwise. Thanks for the correction  :D
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August 07, 2018, 01:03:20 PM
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