
Author Topic: Equal spacing of holes in a rectangle.  (Read 395 times)

July 21, 2019, 12:58:18 PM
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I'm new to inkscape, i've tried to replicate the attatched picture with no luck. I need to make an svg file of the acrylic plate and have it laser cut to the right measurements. How do i size the rectangle in inkscape so its cut to the measurement i want it, also how do i go about getting the four holes placed and all lined up to the measurements i want them, i can draw the holes and place each one roughly in the corners of the plate but i can't work out how to get them all exactly in the same position to the measurements i need.

I basically want to replicate the attatched drawing but i'll be wanting to draw different size plates for laser cutting.

(21.93 kB . 768x515)
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July 21, 2019, 02:21:24 PM
Reply #1


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Welcome to the forum!

There are several ways to approach making objects the right size and aligning them to the proper locations.  Generally, the Selection tool control bar is used for making things the right size, although there are other ways.  This will tell you where the control bar is, and a lot of other parts of the Inkscape window:  Note the W and H settings on the Selection control bar, and also X and Y.  You can also position things this way, but there might be better ways.

It sounds like you just need to spend some time learning the basics.  Here's all the info in the manual about this:

Especially since you want to send this to a cutter, you will want to be sure not to touch the Scale setting in File menu > Document Properties > Page tab.  Even though you might notice it doesn't say 1.0, don't touch it.  If you've already adjusted it, we can tell you how to get it back to the proper setting.

If you get stuck, let us know, and we can help  :)

Or else you might want to try working through some tutorials.  The Home tab of this website has a huge listing of tutorials.  And of course there's always the internet for searching.  Normally I suggest Help menu > Tutorials > Basic, Shapes, and Advanced tutorials for beginners.  But I don't think those will give you the specific info you need.
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July 22, 2019, 05:54:20 AM
Reply #2


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I'd either use guides, or spacing objects, together with snapping. These should give you hints on what to search for on the web.

July 22, 2019, 02:25:11 PM
Reply #3


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I generally set the Document Properties>Page to the units I'm using (mm in your case), as well as on the main toolbar, and then use the x and y tabs to perfectly set it. (just type the number in the box of where you want it to go).

July 23, 2019, 05:23:11 PM
Reply #4


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  :th: i'll see what i can do, its a simple design but its just getting the measurements right so the laser cuts it right.
  • 0.92
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July 28, 2019, 06:02:45 AM
Reply #5


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If you create a second rectangle that's the same width and height as the distance between the circle centres and centre align it to the background one, you can snap the circle centres to the corners of it and then delete it afterwards.
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