Author Topic: inkscape.svg file safed  (Read 1378 times)

September 22, 2017, 03:39:26 AM
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Can you Please help?  New to inkscape.

I made a design on inkscape and saved  the image as an inkscape.svg 
What I want to do Now is send this file to  have a hand stamp made. But? The person
only uses illustrator.
So how do I send him a format so he could open the inkscape.svg in my email.
in any version of illustrator he uses. With out loosing any of the quality or original size as a vector image.

Do i need to change the inkscape,svg to some other format. If so. How do I do this. Please explain in details.

Appreciate all your help.

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September 22, 2017, 04:18:47 AM
Reply #1


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Illustrator "should" open inkscape svg-s without any problem. Inkscape svg is a valid svg format with some inkscape specific features, like custom background colour, guide lines and the layer system.
Differences might appear at how illustrator deals with filters.

So while he should be able to open your svg file, the resolution is the only thing you may have to second check.
Illustrator works at 72 dpi while inkscape switched to 96 dpi. Meaning, if your image was drawn with px sizes in mind, an illustrator px is larger than inkscape's in physical units.
No worries though, just make sure the image is in the right size in mm/inch.
If necessary at all, because scaling an image in illustrator shouldn't be a big deal either.

September 23, 2017, 08:09:58 AM
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So then i'm good to email the Inkscape file as is.
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September 23, 2017, 10:32:11 AM
Reply #3


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Yes, you can, everything should open just fine.

However if it's for a printing, you better proof check the colours on his side if they are important in your design.

Also, svg-s don't embed fonts so you may convert the texts to paths or send the font file as well used in the svg.

September 23, 2017, 07:34:16 PM
Reply #4


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Welcome to the forum!

If they have trouble opening it, for some reason, you could try sending it as Plain SVG.  Plain SVG image is exactly the same, except it doesn't have a little bit of special Inkscape code.  Like Lazur said, it should open in Illustrator as Inkscape SVG.  But if not, try Plain SVG.
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September 24, 2017, 05:13:10 AM
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This design is just a black & white  image  but? very detailed. So color is not to important.

And Brynn.  I will take that into consideration  on plain .svg  if it does not open in illustrator.

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